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The substance that is classified as weed has many different names to it. This is known as Cannabis, for instance. Marijuana is a variety of plant used specifically as a psychoactive remedy. It may also be used for medicinal purposes as well. Marijuana normally occurs in herbal form. This means it'll consist of leaves and flowers subtending. There are, though, different types of it that you might know about. Each form of weed has differing levels of potency. bmwo juicy jack

Form Types Various cannabis types include unprocessed, kief, and hassled. Usually the unprocessed type of cannabis is subtending buds, roots, and dried flowers. Usually the unprocessed type of cannabis is the female cannabis plant, too. The most widely used type of cannabis is the unprocessed weed.

Kief is one more kind of marijuana. Kief is in powder form mainly marijuana. To get kief it must be sifted from a marijuana plant's leaves. It may be eaten in powdered form. Yet kief can also be eaten by adding it in tea or placing it in a cake when baking.

Another type of weed is hachish, also known as hash. Hash is the concentrated, marijuana resin. Hash is not as popular as marijuana, for it is more powerful than regular marijuana. Hash can be eaten through joints. It may also be eaten even if this is not normally recommended.

Marijuana for medical use has many different, beneficial uses. Although marijuana is a psychoactive drug, there is no doubt that it proves to be extremely useful to men and women who have nausea and vomiting problems. It also helps to stimulate hunger for men and women suffering from AIDS, or for men and women who have been through chemotherapy. Medical marijuana usage can also relive pain and help patients with glaucoma.

Laws in Orange County California participates in the medical program of California. That means patients in Orange County are entitled to transport, grow, and use marijuana for medical purposes. Men and women who are normally allowed to use medicinal marijuana have a disability. This may include cancer, HIV, AIDS, arthritis and other conditions. Medical marijuana may also be used by men and women who have to deal with migraines and other forms of chronic suffering. California has about a dozen medical marijuana dispensaries.

All men and women who participate in the medical marijuana program in California must bear an ID card which can identify them as patients. The normal price is around one hundred and fifty dollars for those ID cards. The Medi-Cal program, though, can cut the price in half for men and women who don't have much money.

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